African Skye Pipe Band
The African Skye Pipe Band was officially formed in January 1998, by a number of pipers and drummers who had left the Witwatersrand Rifles Pipe Band in September the previous year. Between September and November 1997, these committed musicians used to meet at Rory Bellingan’s house at 145 Queen Street, Kensington, Johannesburg, to practice and debate a name and tartan for the new band. In November 1997, Rory moved to 333 Highland Road, Kensington and this weekly ritual continued there.
The band comprises 2 sections, namely the Grade 3 band and the Grade 4 band.
Each of these bands, although part of the same organisation, are independently lead and each have their own Pipe Major, Leading Drummer and Sergeant Piper.
Both bands are extremely active during the year. Most of the time is spent on competitions. However, a number of parades are also completed each year with the bands combining for those. Click here for upcoming events.